Only in the last century established P. Moller in Thisted, here was traded dairy articles and cheese, wholesale and retail. At this time, S?ren S?rensen mejeribestyrer on Fannerup Dairy in Jutland. In 1919 he bought Thisted Milk Supply, which was operated for a few years, after which P. Miller offered him the post of accountant and manager of his business. Soren Sorensen sold the dairy and started at Miller 1 November 1921. At that time the company had cheese shop and office in Railway Street 3 and also cheese store and stock for dairy articles in Middle Street. On 1 May 1930 leased Moller premises of the then Thisted Uldspinderi, located in East Street and at Hjultorv, for an annual rent of £ 1,200 - and was, for the time and circumstances, a good layout with cheese storage and handling on the ground floor and storage of dairy items of 4 . floor. The large factory building was fortunately provided with goods lift, which at that time was quite unusual.